MNKP Keypad

Aksesoris Boom Gate

MNKP Keypad

Bidirectional Dual Band radio keypad, wall-mounted or portable, for control of the alarm system and automations.

  • Secure The MNKP keypad can be used to partially or totally arm, or disarm the alarm system using a 5-figure numerical code, with confirmation of the action shown on the display.The backlit display also shows status feedback and anomalies.
  • Practical management of automations Can control up to 32 different Nice automations connected to the MyNice control unit.
  • Easy enabling and disabling of the alarmsWith the built-in RFID reader, the alarm system can be enabled or disabled by moving the MNB1 transponder closer to the keypad’s built-in RFID reader.
Biasanya penggunaan MNKP Keypad di gedung-gedung perkantoran, rumah sakit, bandara udara, stasiun, mall ataupun gedung pemerintahan. Hubungi kami untuk informasi lebih lanjut!
Anda sedang mencari MNKP Keypad dan pemasangan di seluruh di kota Indonesia, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Pekanbaru, Semarang, Bali dan Kalimantan. Hubungi kami sekarang juga!